"You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or his male servant or his female servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor."--Exodus 20:17. The tenth and final commandment from God. The tenth commandment deals with coveting.
Coveting. The word covet deals with wanting or seriously craving something.
Coveting. Notice the commandment deals with specifically with what we should not be coveting.
Coveting. What we need to understand is that wanting or coveting something in itself is not necessarily sinful or wrong but it depends on what it is we are coveting.
Coveting. Last night in our young adult study here at Norco we talked about jealousy and envy and how those two attitudes can be a product of misplaced desire or coveting.
Coveting. Most times when we get jealous or envious it is because we desire what someone else has and that sometimes can lead to sinful actions.
Coveting. Again, there are things we should and should not covet. For example, we should covet godliness but as this commandment tells us we should not covet or desire that which does not belong to us.
Coveting. So in application, something I encourage you to do, if someone gets something that maybe you think should have gone to you, rather than develop an envious and jealous attitude, be happy for that person and do not covet that which for whatever reason does not now belong to you.
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