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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Out of Egypt: Stand by and see (Part 2 of Looking in the Rear view mirror)

"But Moses said to the people, "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today;..."--Exodus 14:13.  This is the first thing Moses says to the people in response to their  negative attitude of saying it would have been better to have remained in Egypt.  This is the first thing Moses says just prior to a familiar event in the Exodus account the parting of the Red Sea.  God worked one of the most intriguing and amazing wonders while Israel would stand by and see.

Stand by and see. The word stand by that is used here in Exodus 14:13 according to a footnote in my Bible can also be phrased 'Take your stand.'  Moses commanded the people to take their stand and see how to the Lord would fight for them while they remained silent (v. 14).

Stand by and see.  Israel felt trapped.  The odds were against them.  But they were to take their stand and they would learn that God does not deal in odds.  They were to stand by and see.

Stand by and see.  God is above the odds. I can speak from experience that God has done some mighty things in my life when the odds were against me.  There have been many times in my life where I had to stand by and see.

Stand by and see.  The text describes that while the Red Sea was parted, God changed the view in the rear view mirror, God, a pillar of cloud here stood behind them and protected them from Pharaoh while Israel crossed on dry land across the Red Sea.

Stand by and see.  A key point here is that we need to stand by and see which means we need to take our stand and let God do the rest.  Even when the odds are against us, we need to take our positions and let God handle the odds that we think are against us.  Again God does not deal in odds.

Stand by and see.  My encouragement to you is this.  The parting of the Red Sea is a familiar account to all of us.  But I encourage you to read it again in Exodus 14:13-31.

Stand by and see.  Realize that when we stand by and see, as in Exodus 14 God is behind us.  He quite literally has got our back, and our front :-).  Salvation is in front of us.  Learn from what's in the rear view mirror and then don't look in the rear view mirror again but focus on the salvation that is in front of you and stand by and see.


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