Leaven (Yeast)
"Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, but on the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses."--Exodus 12:15. This was the institution of the Feast of Unleavened Bread as part of the Passover. Part of observing this feast was removing the leaven.
Removing the leaven. Leaven is used in the Scriptures to represent that which is unclean. Leaven is essentially yeast, a known bacteria that makes bread rise.
Removing the leaven. I can't say for sure but it may be possible that since leaven was a bacteria, this is why it is was not to be used at certain times such as the Passover but I don't think this was the primary reason.
Removing the leaven. Exodus 12:15 also tells us that anyone who fails to remove the leaven during this time will be cut off from Israel. Removing the leaven was an act of obedience to God and whoever did not do it was cut off from Israel. Obedience was the primary reason God said to remove the leaven.
Removing the leaven. We can gather two things based on what the Scriptures as a whole say about the leaven.
Removing the leaven. First, leaven represents that which is unclean and that which is unclean such as sin separates us from God.
Removing the leaven. Second, If we fail to remove the leaven (sin) from our lives, we as Christians will be cut off from Israel and we will no longer be among God's chosen people.
Removing the leaven. God expects the leaven to be removed from His house, the church. He expects us to obey this command. We have to remember if we claim to love God, we will obey His commands.
Removing the leaven. Finally, Exodus 12:15 says the leaven was to be removed on the first day of the week. We have to remember that the Passover foreshadowed the Lord's Supper. Therefore, when we partake of the Lord's Supper on the first day of the week, we have to remove the leaven before partaking of it. This is part of examining ourselves per 1 Corinthians 11:28.
Removing the leaven. So what leaven needs to be removed in your life? It may or may not be sin but we need to make an effort to remove anything that prevents us from being the best Christian we can be. If you haven't done so, remember removing the leaven begins by believing in and being baptized into Christ. This is removing the leaven.
Removing the leaven.
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