"Honor your father and mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you."--Exodus 20:12. The fifth commandment. The fifth commandment as stated here comes with a promise. To honor our parents so that our days would be prolonged. The fifth commandment transitions us into the practical commandments. The fifth commandment speaks of honoring mom and dad.
Honoring mom and dad. When you honor someone, this means that you hold that person in the highest regard.
Honoring mom and dad. Honoring someone involves doing all you can for that person. In this case, mom and dad.
Honoring mom and dad. According to my friend and brother in Christ, Andrew Lemus it can also mean to esteem.
Honoring mom and dad. According to another commentary, the most important way he honor our parents is to take care of them in their old age.
Honoring mom and dad. So how are you honoring your parents? If you are not living under their roof anymore, when is the last time you picked up the phone and called them? Or better yet, when is the last time you went over and visited them and offered to help them in some way?
Honoring mom and dad. On the other hand if you are reading this and you do still live with your parents, I encourage you to honor them by offering to help them around the house or if you can afford to do so, take them out for lunch or dinner.
Honoring mom and dad. Finally, if your like me and have lost one of or maybe even both your parents, you too can still honor them by putting into practice the lessons you learned from them.
Honor your father and mother so that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
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