"Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says, 'Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts..."--Hebrews 3:7-8. The Hebrew writer telling us to pay attention to what has been taught regarding Jesus Christ because He is the Son of God and a faithful Son, the faithful high priest over the house of God. This is what we need to be listening to. We need to listen to the voice.
The voice. You may or may not know but the image above is the logo of the newest TV reality show The Voice. I have actually never watched the show but have heard a lot about it. The show is very similar to American Idol but the difference is that the judges cannot see the singers so they have no idea what they look like and are forced to judge the contestants strictly based on their ability to sing well.
The voice. I have read Hebrews 3:7-8 a number of times before but it was not until today that I saw the connection that could be made with hearing a voice without seeing the person such as in the TV show I just mentioned.
The voice. Though all of us have never physically seen God Himself, we can still hear His voice through the pages of Scripture.
The voice. In the TV show The Voice, part of the reason there are multiple judges is so there can be more than one opinion on the ability of the singer. One might thing the contestant sang well and the other would disagree while the viewers back home are making their own judgments as well and among all these opinions, someone's is right and the rest are wrong.
The voice. Now how does this apply to us? The voice of God that is heard through the Scriptures is one that needs to be judged correctly by it's readers. We cannot see God but His voice rings loud and clear through the pages of Scripture. His Word is complete and we need not add anything to it.
The voice. The problem is like in The Voice, we have thousands of different judges of entirely different backgrounds judging what is said in the pages of Scripture and more often than not coming to the wrong conclusion.
The voice. The voice of God heard through the pages of Scripture is the only one that has the ability to give us eternal life. But like the judges on The Voice, many people, sadly including some brethren in Christ don't like the "sound" of God's voice and they end up misjudging it and fail to heed what is being taught.
The voice. So my encouragement to you is this. While the voices we might hear on shows like The Voice or American Idol may be good or bad and up for opinion, the voice of God heard through Scripture is one that must not be ignored as it is the only one that has the power to give us eternal life beginning with obedience to the gospel message of Christ and is not up for opinion. But it must be judged correctly so we can find absolute truth. Take some time this week to take this passage in Hebrews 3:7-8 and study it further as what I have discussed only scratches the surface.
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