"...For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness."--Exodus 14:11. Israel, finally free from Egyptian bondage hit a snag in the road. In front of them, the Red Sea. Behind them, Pharaoh in pursuit. They are trapped and by all appearances, there is no way out. With the exception of Moses, the rest of the Israelite community is thinking if they had stayed in Egypt, they would not be in this situation. They have a classic case of looking in the rear view mirror.
Looking in the rear view mirror. The people look back and begin accusing Moses of bringing them out into the wilderness to die.
Looking in the rear view mirror. The people have forgotten what wonders God worked in order to bring them out from Egyptian bondage.
Looking in the rear view mirror. We may look on Israel and ask how they could be so forgetful about what God has done for them. Don't they know He can bring them through this?
Looking in the rear view mirror. When we read this account, we have to realize, sometimes we as Christians are guilty of the same attitude of looking in the rear view mirror.
Looking in the rear view mirror. There are times in our walk with Christ when the going gets tough. We may never be faced with a life or death situation when it comes to our faith. However, there may be times when trusting God causes you to face adverse circumstances that only God can bring you through.
Looking in the rear view mirror. I have seen first hand fellow Christians giving up on God because they think "life in Egypt" or a life of sin is better than a life devoted to Christ. They prefer what they see in the rear view mirror than the road ahead of them.
Looking in the rear view mirror. Part of the decision to obey the gospel is counting the cost. If someone is contemplating this decision to follow Christ, he or she needs to think about what they will do when the going gets tough and believe me it will.
Looking in the rear view mirror. Reader, what will you do when the going gets tough? When the world seems to reject you because you stood for your faith, will you stand firm or will you fold and take a look into the rear view mirror?
Looking in the rear view mirror. When you think about this, consider the words of Jesus in Luke 9:62--"But Jesus said to Him 'No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Reader, if you have obeyed the gospel and you struggle with looking into the rear view mirror so to speak, my suggestion is simply this, tear out the rear view mirror and realize that the road God has called you to, while it may have the occasional speed bumps and pot holes, the destination is far greater than the smooth road of sin that the world would have you ride on which may look nice but it leads nowhere.
Looking in the rear view mirror. If you have not yet obeyed the gospel, seriously consider the words of Jesus and ask yourself if you are indeed fit for the kingdom of God. And also realize that eternity with God is worth far more than a "life in Egypt."
Let us not look into the rear view mirror but focus on the road ahead.
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