Lifting hands
"But Moses' hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under him, and sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set."--Exodus 17:12. At this point in the Exodus account, the Israelites are engaged in their first battle post-Egypt. The victory was guaranteed but under one condition that Moses would keep his hands held up during the battle. If he allowed his hands to come down, then Israel would be defeated. So in order to keep Moses' hands up Aaron and Hur held Moses' hands up. They were lifting hands.
Lifting hands. Moses was a great man of God to be sure. But he was still just a man like you and me. He got tired. He needed someone to lift his hands.
Lifting hands. We also have to realize Moses was only one man in charge of leading what could very easily have been thousands of people. No doubt he got tired and stressed having that big a responsibility on his shoulders. He needed someone to lift his hands.
Lifting hands. So what does this mean to us? We know all Scripture is God breathed and useful for instruction, what lesson can we learn from this account of Moses' hands being lifted up in Exodus 17:8-16?
Lifting hands. For those of us who are members of the Lord's church, we too have the same responsibility to hold our leaders' hands up whether it's our preacher or our elders. They need their hands lifted up as well.
Lifting hands. First, the preacher. He too is only one man in charge of preaching the Word and edifying in some cases hundreds of people and in less frequent cases thousands. The preacher gets tired and he needs the support of his fellow brethren in the congregation. I know both by first and second hand experience how tired a preacher can get and why it's important for the congregation to lift up his hands so that he does not grow weary and allow the congregation to be defeated by the enemy.
Lifting hands. Second, the elders. The elders have a HUGE responsibility. They are in charge of shepherding the flock. Next to the preacher, they too deal with the souls of the congregation and God holds them to a high standard. Most congregations have 3 to 5 elders and these men as well are typically in charge of hundreds of people's souls. No doubt they get tired and need their hands lifted up so that the congregation will not be defeated by the enemy.
So to my brethren in Christ, let's be like Aaron and Hur who held up the hands of their leader and hold up the hands of our preachers and elders. As for all you preachers and elders out there, you are appreciated for the work you do in edifying and shepherding the flock of God. On behalf of the members of the Lord's church everywhere, we honor you and encourage you to keep up the GOD work and remain true to HIS word!
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