"And having been made perfect, He became to all those obey the source of eternal salvation."--Hebrews 5:9. The Hebrew writer giving us the third of what I consider to be among the most notable characteristics that makes Christ the perfect high priest. This is not only among the most notable but also the most important. Christ, because of His perfect obedience to God's will has now become to us the source of eternal salvation.
The source. One thing I have noticed is that the further removed a generation is from a certain event, it becomes less real to that person despite the fact that the event was an actual occurrence in history.
The source. To illustrate my point what I mean is that nowadays many of our World War I & II vets are beginning to pass away. This is unfortunate because the sources of all those war stories will no longer be available to us and future generations will be less likely to believe these stories. Did you know that it has been said that in time future generations will believe that Hitler was not a real person and worse they may think that World War II never happened?
The source. So what does this have to do with the passage in Hebrews 5:9? Well Jesus physically died almost 2000 years ago so he is no longer physically present on earth and his apostles who were eyewitnesses to His glory and teachings have also gone on to their reward. So although those teachings are preserved in the pages of Scripture, society and to some extent even the Lord's church is moving into an attitude of the teachings of Christ and His apostles no longer have value today.
The source. This passage in Hebrews tells us that Christ is the source of eternal salvation. Problem is we are so far removed from the source that we are reluctant to truly believe it. What people are failing to realize is that Scripture, no matter how many attempts have been made, has never been proven absolutely wrong. Society and the church are even questioning the very existence of Christ which by the way has also been proven outside of the Bible itself. My question is why have the Lord's people begun to question the existence of their Savior, the source of their eternal salvation?
The source. Today, we have so much evidence that World War II and the events surrounding it are true historical events. We have the same resources to prove the accuracy and inspiration of the Scriptures and the historical existence of Christ. Please bear with me but the fact, yes the fact is that Christ did exist and He is indeed the source of eternal salvation and many of our own brethren are beginning to deny this as described in 2 Peter 2. In application, I urge you to search out the historical existence of Christ outside of the Bible and if you are searching with an honest heart, I guarantee you will find that this is true. But also if there is some other part of the Bible you might be questioning, search that out and I guarantee your search will be fruitful.
Brethren, this blog is more of an admonishment for all of us to get back to the source, the source of our eternal salvation, Jesus Christ and His Word.
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