"Moses' father in law said to him, 'The thing which you are doing is not good. You will surely wear out, both yourself and these people who are with you, for the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.'"--Exodus 18:17-18. Jethro, Moses' father in law giving Moses advice telling him that he needs to share the responsibility of judging between the people. Moses could not do it alone.
You cannot do it alone. The preacher and/or the evangelist carry a heavy responsibility.
You cannot do it alone. The preacher and the evangelist have the responsibility of edifying the saints and bringing the lost into the Lord's church.
You cannot do it alone. Furthermore, every Christian has a responsibility to bring the lost and wandering into the fold of God's sheep.
You cannot do it alone. This is a responsibility too great to be handled by any one man, especially the preacher and the evangelist.
You cannot do it alone. I am thankful to now be part of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver who for 45 years has been training able men to carry out this responsibility as no one man can do it alone.
You cannot do it alone. Preachers and evangelists need our help and it is the preacher's and the evangelists to seek out that help even if its by way of bringing in an intern for a certain amount of time or seeing if it feasible to bring on an additional minister to share the work. And finally, the preacher must never fail to look among the members of his own congregation for able men to share the responsibility the preacher and the evangelist bears. We will look further at what "Able men" are in tomorrow morning's blog. In the meantime, my good friend and brother Dustin Campbell wrote an article on this very subject as well titled "Where Have all the Leaders Gone?" Check it out!
Preachers and evangelists, share the responsibility when and where you can because we cannot do it alone. As for those of us who are not preachers or evangelists, look for those opportunities where you can help your preacher however you can as I am sure he could use the help and the encouragement.
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