"Moreover, they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses in which they eat it."--Exodus 12:7. This one of the instructions to Moses hours prior to the death of every firstborn person in Egypt. This is the beginning of the Passover feast. They are to put blood on the doorposts so that the plague of death will not destroy those who are in the house. What would save the people in the house from said plague would be the blood on the doorposts.
Blood on the doorposts. There is so much involved in the Passover and what it means for us today that it is difficult to figure out where to begin.
Blood on the doorposts. The blood was the crucial element of the Passover. Without the blood on the doorposts, those inside the house would die.
Blood on the doorposts. The blood was to be from a sacrificed lamb that was to be eaten that night and any left over until morning was to be burned up and properly disposed of (Exodus 12:10).
Blood on the doorposts. All Christians should know what the Passover means to us today.
Blood on the doorposts. We need to have blood on the doorposts of our souls if we expect to live.
Blood on the doorposts. Not just any blood but the blood of Christ, our Passover lamb. We too are to consume the Passover lamb via the observance of the Lord's Supper on a WEEKLY basis every first day of the week (Acts 20:7)
Blood on the doorposts. How do we get that blood on the doorposts of our soul? See Romans 6:3-4 which states that we must be baptized into Christ where we are baptized into his death so that just as Christ was raised, so we to might walk in newness of life.
Blood on the doorposts. If we expect to survive the plague of spiritual death, we must have the blood of Christ on the doorposts of our souls.
Blood on the doorposts. Remember what God did for Israel in Egypt. Remember what Christ did for us at the cross when He brought us "out of Egypt."
If you do not have "blood on the doorposts" yet, do not delay. Or maybe you do have the blood on the doorposts but you have left the safety of the blood and gone back into Egypt. Whatever the case make sure you have applied the blood on the doorposts.
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